Not sure why you need a coach, and why the best of the best work with one? In this blog post, I’ll walk you through 5 good reasons, and why working with one is the best shortcut you can ever have to living your best life WITHOUT giving up on being an introvert.
Oprah Winfrey. Bill Gates. Leonardo DiCaprio. Do you know what these three have in common? Well for one, all three are successful in their own fields. But there’s one more similarity that many people don’t know about. All three work with life coaches.
“But Siska, aren’t they already successful? Why do they still need a coach when they’ve already made it big in their industries?”
Hmm. I’m sure that thought now leads you to your next question: Is working with a Life Coach really that important?
Good question, love.
How my journey started
When I first signed up for Life Coaching, I honestly wondered the same thing as well. Why sign up for coaching when I could simply push myself to move forward in my journey? Plus, the thought of me talking to a complete stranger about my life just felt … weird. Especially because as an introvert I have always been used to keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself. That was just who I was.
Also, investing in my personal growth journey just wasn’t something my old self would normally do. Not when I spent most of my time thinking about what I could do for other people—even if it sometimes meant going above and beyond what was expected of me. Just thinking of signing up for a coach felt a tad selfish, to be honest, because there I was thinking about myself and what I can do for ME.
But then I figured that I couldn’t just do things the same way I always have all these years. Not if I wanted to see huge changes in my life. I’ve tried to make changes in my life and I always found myself back right where I started. I was—sadly—getting nowhere on my own. And so even though I still had my doubts about working with a life coach, I went ahead and signed myself up for a coaching program.
That one decision was a life-changer, lovely—for the better, of course. And in this blog post, I’m going to tell you my 5 reasons why working with a coach and investing in your growth is ALWAYS a good idea.
So if you’re still on the fence about signing up for a coaching program (which I’m sure you are since you clicked on this post), read on.
Here’s why you need a coach
Reason # 1: You get to fast-track your results
Have you ever felt stuck? As though no matter how hard you’re trying, you’re not getting anywhere near your goals? Or maybe you’re one of those who have been living out their lives trying to please the people around them to the point that you no longer know exactly what you want in life.
Whatever the case, a coach is there to help you break through your obstacles so you can be a better version of yourself…faster.
No, having a coach doesn’t mean you’re going to get someone else to do all the hard works for you. That’s not their job. You will still have to do the work yourself. Their job is to guide you through the process and ensure that you feel supported in your journey. Think of your coach as your personal cheerleader and mentor—pushing you forward in your journey and giving you all the tools you need so you can identify your biggest roadblocks and get past them successfully.
Sure, signing yourself up for 1:1 coaching is going to require significant investment on your part. And we’re not just talking about money here. We’re also talking about your time and effort as well. But if this is what’s holding you back, remember that you can’t put a price tag on your happiness and mental health. That alone doesn’t compare to what your coach is charging, does it? And of course, it’s always a good idea to check in with yourself as well: Does it feel that your financial priority is aligned with your goals?
Reason # 2: You get to have an accountability buddy
Remember what I said about me trying to DIY my journey to personal growth? I honestly thought I could handle things on my own. And to tell you the truth, for some time I did try to give myself a pep talk and that ‘push’ I knew I needed. Some days I would succeed and I’d feel supercharged for my big goals. Most of the time though, I was paralyzed—either because I couldn’t find the will to hit those goals, or, I was too scared of failure even to try making an effort.
And that was when it hit me hard: I was trying so much to make changes, BUT nothing actually changed. I was still doing things the same way I did them all those years. In short, my DIY sessions just weren’t working for me.
Everything changed when I signed up for coaching. When you work with a coach, you have somebody holding you accountable for what you do (and what you don’t). So if you’re the type to put your To-Dos on the back burner until you forget about your goals altogether, get yourself a coach.
Once you sign up for coaching, expect your coach to check in on you on a regular basis to give you the guidance and motivation you need so you don’t slack off on your journey. Definitely the best way to ensure that you’re still on track to reaching your ultimate goals, if you ask me.
Reason # 3: You have someone to help you get unstuck
Need that extra push to get you out of your comfort zone? That’s what a coach is for. On our own, it can be extra tough to snap out of our bad habits and our less-than-productive routine. Because let’s be honest, it’s way easier to just keep doing what we’ve always done. That’s why it’s called our ‘comfort’ zone.
Unfortunately, growth and comfort do NOT coexist. So if you want to turn your dream life into reality, you’ll need to work with someone who can push you to do all the uncomfortable things that you need to do. Like setting boundaries and saying NO to people and things that do not align with your vision.
It’s the job of your coach to give you the boost you need when you feel like backing down and to show you some tough love when necessary. That probably doesn’t sound cozy to you right now, but let’s face it. We do need someone to give us honest feedback—something that our family and friends may not be able to give, especially if they’re in the same comfort zone we’re in.
Reason # 4: You need a coach to help you change your mindset
One of the biggest roadblocks I had to overcome in my journey was myself. I was my own worst enemy. I had to deal with a lot of self-doubt and all the limiting beliefs I had lived by all those years. Without my coach, getting to the root of my issues would have been impossible.
Love, the best coaches out there are not just personal cheerleaders. They’re more than that. They’re mentors on a mission to help people like you develop the right mindset so you could be more than you ever thought you could be. Your coach is there so you could build your confidence and find the strength to overcome any and all future obstacles on your journey. Definitely a good reason why the rich and famous do not hesitate to invest in coaches for themselves!
Reason # 5: Your coach will help you make your dreams come true
That probably sounds more than a little cliche, doesn’t it? But as someone who has worked with a coach myself, I have to say it’s 100% true.
I’m not saying that your coach can help you turn your life around overnight. But your coach can definitely help set you on the right path towards success. It’s probably going to take days, weeks, and months of consistent effort and regular check-ins with your coach before you’ll see big results, but I promise you this: Working with a coach is worth every effort and cent you’ll put in.
Love, it’s good to remember that those days, weeks, and months will still pass you by whether or not you decide to work with a coach. But how your life would turn out to be when that time comes will ultimately depend on what you decide to do for yourself today.
So if you’re done playing small and letting other people decide how you live your life…
If you can’t wait to say YES to becoming the bold, confident, and empowered introvert you know you are deep inside…
And if you’re ready to be the creator of your own life story…
Tap this link and join me for the Introvert Unleashed Intensive! It’s time for you to take your first step towards the life of your dreams.
I can’t wait to work with you, lovely!